Harvest Craft

Ambassador: Geoffrey Bishop , United States

Harvest Craft seeks to equip, educate, and empower communities in developing countries through sustainable food production systems. Agricultural methods, like agroecology, are used where livestock, crops, and trees are working together to feed communities sustainably. Many people living in poor communities have poor access to food i.e. suffer from food insecurity. 

Aquaponics uses the symbiotic relationship between fish and plants to provide high yields of food with 90% less water than traditional soil agriculture. So far 25 farmers are working 15 acres of land are now growing and selling 900kg of produce for $100,000 collectively. Over 10,000 litres of water are saved in the production of food. In Haiti aquaponics systems were installed at 2 orphanages which feed 150 children. They also learn about agroecology so when they graduate they will have jobs, skills, and can continue to cultivate change in the community. In Tijuana – an arid region, an aquaponics system on a roof provides food for a breakfast program to feed 50 local children. In Los Angeles, USA, where food deserts are high, because of urban development, an aquaponics system has been installed at Biola University for research, with the aim of introducing them across the city to provide healthy food for local restaurants and communities. All of these projects provide sustainable long lasting food security.