Education Reach

Ambassador: Raymond Mungujakissa , Uganda

Raymond created Education Reach in 2014 to eradicate the harmful practice of child marriage, by raising awareness, changing behaviour and empowering communities with the necessary knowledge and tools. He advocates for the effective implementation of strong laws and policies to protect children, especially girls, and their human rights. The programme also develops and implements human developmental activities such as skills and entrepreneurial education to mitigate the cultural effects which lead to child marriage i.e. girls being sold for dowries. The project has delayed marriage for at least 3,000 girls, has helped government develop supportive policies and allocate resources to increase health, education and economic opportunities for married girls and girls at risk of early marriage. Girls are increasingly aware of their rights, and the dangers of child marriage, and young people are empowered by the skills and entrepreneurship training offered as an alternative route to reduce poverty. 
Raymond received $1,000 from the American Embassy in Uganda. He also organised a one day charity car wash in 2016 in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Uganda and Barclays Bank in Uganda which raised $5,000. This money is currently being used to extend the reach of the girls clubs – it is not included in the impact calculation as it has not yet been spent. The project has enabled 50 new businesses to be created. Without detailed information we conservatively assume most of these businesses are entrepreneurial and estimate their value using the minimum wage in Uganda.