Following the success of the Barranquilla Young Leaders Scholarship in 2022, One Young World launched the ‘Barranquilla Young Leaders Scholarship 2023’ at the end of August, with 106 applicants in total. This scholarship seeks to promote civic values among youth through training activities and a civic service, allowing them to lead transformations within their own neighbourhoods and motivate more youth to participate in the program.
The Scholars engaged in a year-long programme which enabled them to build their leadership capacities, enhance their networks and improve their capacity for impact. They participated in Pre-Summit Leadership Sessions across the five plenary challenges for 2023 and engaged with other leaders from across the One Young World Community.
2022 Barranquilla Young Leaders Speaker Highlights

Conflict Prevention - Maria Ortiz
Abren convocatoria para llevar a tres barranquilleros al foro mundial de liderazgo juvenil en Irlanda; así puede postularse
Tres jóvenes barranquilleros participarán en cumbre de liderazgo en Inglaterra
Programme Partners 2023