Hi Everyone! My name is Lana and I am the outgoing One Young World Coordinating Ambassador for UK1. I want to tell you about my experience in the position and the 2015 Coordinating Ambassador elections.
Ambassadors share similar feelings when attending their first Summit. My first was in Johannesburg in 2013. It was a fantastic location, but it could have been in a tent, in a car park and I think I’d have felt just about the same.
Excitement to be there, fascination listening to the speakers, rising despair as the scale of the world’s problems are presented, but sheer inspiration quickly followed, then hope, and a determination to act.
Before the Summit was even half way through I was wondering how we could keep it going when we got back, and so, when Kate and David announced they were creating the role of Coordinating Ambassador, I was so excited that One Young World wouldn’t be over.
I’d never been somewhere before that was so buzzing with energy and so full of like-minded people. Even though it was a mix of almost every culture, everyone was driven, interested, friendly and fun. I wasn’t ready for it to end and I’m so glad it hasn’t had to.
As a Coordinating Ambassador I worked as an advocate for you within the One Young World community. Coordinating Ambassadors listen to opinions from their peers and then help to promote their views when shaping the agenda of the Summits. Additionally, Coordinating Ambassadors hold regional events as a means of bringing the One Young World community together when the Summit is not in session.
Have your say and vote in the Coordinating Ambassador election today!
When I applied, I never imagined I’d end up being UK1’s Coordinating Ambassador and it’s been such a privilege. I have to say a huge thank you to the UK1 community for their ongoing encouragement, ideas and involvement, as well as my fellow CAs and One Young World.
It has been brilliant to follow the amazing and varied work that our London - area Ambassadors are doing. I’m so proud of everyone! As you’d expect from London, our community has people from all over the world, with dynamic and innovative ideas, through the whole spectrum of private sector to charity.
We’re lucky as a region to have so many of us living so closely, it’s been a lot of fun, as well as productive, to be able to meet up in person throughout the year. Additionally, a thank you is due to Lauren Garey for the Supper Club idea – Ambassadors hosting small groups for dinner has been a really effective way to make stronger connections.
So to all Ambassadors here is my call to action for you:
Take a look at the three candidates for your region- it’s a tricky choice, as everyone will bring so much, but do consider what you want your local community to be like and then make your voice heard.
Keep up the good work!
I hope everyone will continue and even boost their involvement in their local and international communities this year. One Young World is an incredible platform on which to promote our work and causes. Equally, at a local level, continue to let your Coordinating Ambassadors know what you’d like to see, how you’d like to be involved, and what you’re working on. Let’s keep collaborating, sharing and making change.
To quote our friend Ron Garan, the key is we!
Good Luck to all the candidates, happy campaigning and happy voting!