How to end hunger by 2030?
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Globally in 2020, 22% or 149.2 million children under 5 years of age suffered from child stunting, defined by a low height-for-age. Child stunting can happen in the first 1000 days after conception and is related to many factors, including socioeconomic status, dietary intake, infections, maternal nutritional status, infectious diseases, micronutrient deficiencies and the environment.
Reckitt is proud to support the Lead2030 challenge for SDG 2. The challenge welcomed solutions working to achieve internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age or addressing the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, older persons or pregnant and lactating women.
About Natal Cares

Founded by Uche Udekwe, Natal Cares is a social enterprise that leverages on the power of mobile technology, machine learning and low cost innovation to combat maternal and infant mortality in Nigeria.
In order to bridge the healthcare information gap existing in underserved communities, Natal Cares delivers valuable healthcare information using SMS and voice notes in six local languages. These personalised weekly texts/voice-notes remind expectant mothers of pregnancy follow-ups, clinical-reminders, child-growth and nutrition, symptoms of common childhood-illnesses, Anti Natal and post-natal care tips. Through this service, Natal Cares ensures its subscribers have access to the critical health and nutritional information they need to assist with a healthy pregnancy.
This year Natal Cares successfully grew its subscriber base to 5000 mothers and scaled into 26 states of Nigeria.