The Challenge: How can we help reduce individual water usage within households?
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Water is the source of life. Access to bountiful and clean water is of paramount importance to the survival and sustainability of human life. One quarter of the world’s population currently faces ‘extremely high-water’ stress. And an additional one third already faces high water stress. This global crisis indicates severe shortages of freshwater, in which 80 percent of impacted countries have medium to low implementation of an integrated water management system. However, 60 percent of countries are unlikely to reach the target of full implementation by 2030. Positive development is urgently required to alleviate water stress and meet the SDG6.
The focus of this challenge includes increasing water-use efficiency within the household and driving responsible water usage forward, in order to substantially reduce the number of people suffering from water scarcity and also preventing future water crises. It also aims to create a sustainable ecosystem and increase awareness of this issue.
About Eko Group H20+
Ricardo founded Eko Group H20+ in 2014 once he saw that while rural homes in Colombia often have rainwater storing systems, residents in government housing projects have very limited space for water storage.
Ekomuro H2O - a project within Eko Group- proposes a vertical, compact, modular water tank system that reuses plastic bottles to store rainwater that may then be used in the home for cleaning, discharge of toilets or watering gardens. The system can be constructed by residents enabling communities to adapt to climate change with water conservation.
By 2019, Eko Group H20+ had benefited 70 schools in Bogota and conserved 50,504 litres of water, reducing 1.5 tons of CO2 emissions.
Lead2030 will enable Ekomuro to work with hundreds of families to change their attitudes towards caring for water.