Daniela Garcia
Journalist and specialist in articulating partnerships and advocacy for causes. Her career has over 25 years strongly based on the integration of communication with business. She is an enthusiast of impact entrepreneurship, specialized in strategic partnerships between the second and third sectors, in addition to the study of the “tone of voice” of brands and causes. She is also a Communications Consultant and Business Designer for Micro and Small Entrepreneurs and Third Sector Organizations.
Worked at major advertising agencies, specializing in building brand reputations in digital environment. In 2012, learned more about popular markets (class C and D) and how they live their relationships with brands; the power of content and influencer marketing for businesses. Previously, served as an executive in the Corporate Relations and Market Relations areas, External and internal communication having a “360 degrees” experience in the communication area.
She arrived at Instituto Capitalismo Consciente Brasil in 2017 as a volunteer to create strategies for communication and expansion of the institution's discourse. Continued as the executive responsible for the launch of associations and partnerships, national expansion, directly assisting the presidency of the Board and general management of the institution. She was COO for 4 years and took over in March of 2022, the role of CEO of the institution in Brazil being the first woman to lead a branch of Conscious Capitalism in the world.