How Simon Rodgers is making Aviva the most diverse company in Britain

We are delighted to announce that our Ambassador of the Week is LGBT activist Simon Rogers.

Since Rodgers joined Aviva in 2007, he has helped spearhead a drive to make Aviva the most LGBT-friendly insurer in Britain, and one of the top companies overall for promoting LGBT issues. He works as an account manager on Aviva’s corporate events team, but for the rest of his time he chairs the Aviva Pride network

Alongside their internal activities, Aviva Pride supports the Albert Kennedy Trust, a charity that provides support for young people who face homophobia and discrimination.

He received a standing ovation for his speech at the One Young World Summit 2012 in Pittsburgh, USA, when he revealed his 'Some People Are Gay. Get Over It' t-shirt. Watch Simon call for acceptance of LGBT communities across the globe in his speech:



You can read a full profile of Simon's projects in this Business Insider article.

Simon Rodgers One Young World
Simon Rodgers One Young World