Dr. des. Lorenz Narku Laing
Managing Director Vielfaltsprojekte GmbH
Dr. des. L. Narku Laing is a diversity trainer, minority rights activist and social entrepreneur. He holds a master’s degree from Zeppelin University and a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Frankfurt. In 2020, Narku Laing was awarded the 30 under 30 #GenerationGrenzenlos by the Hertie Foundation. He has been directing his social business Vielfaltsprojekte GmbH for five years with the goal of fighting racism and promoting diversity within society. He was a research fellow at the University of Munich and is currently a visiting lecturer on critical race theory at Zeppelin University. Additionally, he is a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow and former board member. His media contributions can be found in national media and television, such as the Süddeutschen Zeitung, ARD, and Der Spiegel, among others.