Aigerim Fazylova is a multilingual professional with 10 years of experience in peace building, conflict resolution and tackling disinformation. Aigerim gained professional experience while working at the UNHCR Emergency Response Mission, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), its Office of Representative on Freedom of the Media (OSCE RFoM) and OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), German Bundestag, Polish Parliament, and the US Embassy. She also provided strategic advice to the world's biggest technology corporations in the EMEA region. Beyond her career, Aigerim is the Head of the Global Shapers Warsaw Hub - an initiative of the World Economic Forum - which brings together a new generation of international leaders who are exceptional in their potential, their achievements and their drive to make a contribution to their communities. She is native in Russian and Kazakh, fluent in English, German, and Polish, and operational in French.