Daniel Gutierrez Patino
Delegate Speaker for the Ethical Leadership Plenary Challenge
The purpose of my life is to change the world. The most important struggle that humanity is facing is the climate crisis and I have decided to dedicate my life completely to this. My goal is to be the voice of the most vulnerable so that through their teachings we can make a better world.
For my work with Saving the Amazon I've been awarded multiple recognitions:
-100 leaders of Colombian society 2019
-Cemex-Tec award for social entrepeneurship-2020
-Top Innovator-Up Link-World Economic Forum-2021
-Full Scholarship Allan & Nesta Fergusson Trust-University of Oxford-2021
The experience of working for seven years with indigenous communities and learning from their essentially eco-centric ontology and cosmology has made me understand that unity, love, and humbleness are the most important values that we must cultivate, and then the structures that govern society will naturally gravitate towards wellbeing.