Nicolo di Tullio
Delegate Speaker for the Oceans Plenary Challenge
Nicolò collaborates with sport organisations and scholastic or academic institutions regarding natural and sports sciences and biostatistics. He served as sustainability manager for The Ocean Race Genova The Grand Finale 2022-23.
He is an International Olympic Committee Young Leader 2021-2024. His main goal within the IOC YL programme is to develop Gotto, a social business able to fight climate change and promote SDGs putting into connection athletes and academia.
Ocean Agorà format developer: an anti-fragile approach to reduce coastal erosion and generate environmental, social and economic advantages through sport.
Passionate about learning and sharing, with a special interest in the social impact of science and technology on society.
A childhood fascination with the ocean and a career as an athlete in surf lifesaving sport and surfing/paddle boarding, evolved into a broad competence in the marine sciences.