

Benjamin Carvajal Ponce

Ambassador-led Initiative



Benjamin is the Founder and President of Uno.Cinco, a non-governmental organisation that promotes climate action to avoid a global 1.5º temperature increase. Uno.Cinco works with civil society, academia, international organisations, private and public sectors across Latin America to develop projects on education, advocacy, and community-building to propose concrete solutions and actions to implement a climate public policy agenda. Among the different types of projects, the organisation has three Climate Academies; the Academia Latinoamericana por el Clima, the Academia Unidas por el Planeta for Women, and Energy Transition Academy, which provide actionable climate education to participants.

Benjamin attended the One Young World Summit in Manchester 2022. The Summit gave Benjamin legitimacy and visibility with national and regional authorities in Latin America, while the networking experience proved extremely valuable for him as his first point of contact with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Uno.Cinco has educated more than 700 people through nine editions of its Climate Academies. The Academia Latinoamericana por el Clima has hosted four cohorts of people across Latin America. The Unidas por el Planeta Academy has helped four cohorts of women between 13 to 35, with its programming designed to address the disproportionate impact of climate change on women. As part of the first edition of the Energy Transition Academy, hosted in partnership with the Chilean Ministry of Energy, Uno.Cinco published an illustrated book summarising climate and energy lessons for students. Uno.Cinco also founded LCOY Chile and the organisation has been one of the main coordinators for the Latin American Young Climate Summit (RCOY) since 2021. Through coordinating and hosting these events, Uno.Cinco has impacted an additional 3,200 people.

"After the Summit, I returned to my country more convinced than ever to continue working with the NGO and increase even more the impact. Additionally, being recognised abroad as an ambassador for One Young World was an incredible boost to my networking at an international level and gave me the possibility to reach out to different high-level authorities, including presidents and ministers, and I feel empowered to do so by seeking to open these doors for more changemakers in Chile, Latin America and the world.”

SDG 13 - Climate Action