Creating a sustainable, equitable and peaceful future calls for empowering a generation of effective, inspirational and responsible leaders. This objective is at the heart of all of One Young World’s activities but drives the annual One Young World Leadership Awards in particular. Through these awards, One Young World identifies and accelerates extraordinary leadership across a range of vital sectors, helping to bring greater attention to impactful individuals who are leading by example in their countries, communities and organisations.

Politician of the Year Award
According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, only 2.8% of parliamentarians globally are under the age of 30, and only 18.8% of MPs are below 40.
One Young World’s Politician of the Year Award was created to recognise the most promising young politicians between the age of 18 and 35 years old from around the world who are having the greatest impact in their home countries and communities and have been using their position to benefit young people.

Entrepreneur of the Year Award
At the heart of every start-up or enterprise is the drive to solve the problem. One Young World believes that the next generation of young entrepreneurs are here to do more than create the next convenient solution - they are here to take on the world’s major challenges.
The One Young World Entrepreneur Award highlights the work of revolutionary young business leaders whose enterprises are shaping the world around them and inspiring others to launch their own ventures.

Journalist of the Year Award
In an age of mass information and misinformation, the role of journalists is more important than ever. Our societies rely on the core values of journalism - truthfulness and objectivity- to stay informed and shape opinions.
The One Young World Journalist of the Year Award highlights the work of young journalists who are fearlessly covering the truth, changing the way stories are reported, and empowering others by giving them a voice.

Campaigner of the Year Award
Building a fair, sustainable future for all starts with greats ideas. But we need more than that to change the world. It is our ability to convince people that our vision can and will become reality, and our passion to inspire people to take action, that makes real change possible.
One Young World and Intuit Mailchimp understand that the young leaders shaping our future are the future of communications. That’s why we’re proud to have teamed up to create the Campaigner of the Year Award.

Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award
The impact of climate change are being felt right now by millions around the world and those most affected are those least responsible for its causes and most vulnerable.
Inspired by the leadership of Mary Robinson, One Young World’s Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award recognises and supports young leaders whose work safeguards the rights of those most vulnerable to climate change.

Yunus Scholarship
Every year the Yunus Centre identifies a delegation of young Bangladeshi leaders with a passion for global issues and who make a significant impact on their world. The candidates are engaged in social entrepreneurship and demonstrate an understanding of local/global issues and a commitment to affecting positive change.
Priority is given to children of Grameen Bank borrowers. The delegates benefit from attending One Young World, receiving in person mentorship from Professor Yunus and on-going support from the Yunus Centre and the Grameen Creative Lab.

The Elders
One Young World and The Elders share a passion for holding up inspirational leadership as an example to the world. Over the past six years, the partnership has included historic on-stage sessions at the One Young World Summit, workshops and mentoring.
Intergenerational dialogue is important to The Elders, as former Chair, Kofi Annan, once said: “You are never too young to lead, and never too old to learn.” The thoughts and ideas shared by the young people at One Young World with The Elders will be used to inform and inspire future action for a just and peaceful world. In 2019, a delegation of The Elders’ Sparks of Hope Initiative were also present at the Summit.