The One Young World Community Team works year-round to ensure the Ambassador network has access to the tools and human capital necessary to lead their work effectively.
The Team fund Ambassador work, promote them for media opportunities, and create opportunities to catalyse major impact.
In the past year alone, One Young World has distributed over £1 million to Ambassador-led initiatives.

COVID-19 Young Leaders Fund
One Young World has established a fund for young leaders on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response. Around the world, OYW Ambassadors are combatting the Coronavirus with the most innovative methods in the most challenging circumstances. By directing money to leaders on the front lines, we can ensure that resources are being accessed by those who need them most.

Finance & Business 2030
Finance & Business 2030 is a joint initiative between One Young World and Chartered Accountants Worldwide. With a mission to mobilise these industries to tackle the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Task Forces have been established in the UK and South Africa to drive forward impact. Over 9,000 people have registered for global 'FinBiz2030' events to date.

Working Groups
Working Groups are issue-focused groups made up of Ambassadors who are already driving action, or are looking to lead a new initiative on that key issue. A Working Group serves as a convener for those Ambassadors to exchange best practice, share expertise, describe challenges and offer solutions in order to further improve, scale and accelerate their work.

Action 10
Action 10 is an advocacy group lobbying for the eradication of gender inequality, made up of 10 OYW Ambassadors.
Action 10 works by harnessing the collective energies of select young leaders to steer the conversation around equality in their respective corners of the world, leveraging the One Young World network and Queen’s Commonwealth Trust channels to amplify their messages and influence decision makers.

A ‘Hackathon’ is a concept development process where young leaders work collaboratively to devise tangible solutions to a key issue within a business. To facilitate the hack, One Young World brings together relevant stakeholders to stimulate innovation over one working day through research, communication and mentorship, closing the day with each team pitching their concept to a panel of judges.
Want to organise a hackathon?
Get in touch: [email protected]
Feature: Unilever Rethink Plastic Hackathon
€100,000 invested in a crowdsourced solution
The Hackathon challenged leading designers, innovators and packaging experts to create solutions to tackle the issue of plastic waste. Unilever committed €100,000 in the winning concept which provided a low-cost alternative to single-use laundry sachets, and was completely free from plastic.
The panel of judges included senior representatives from One Young World, Unilever, A Plastic Planet and Sky Ocean Ventures, along with a National Geographic fellow and top industry experts who acted as mentors throughout the day. Unilever’s R&D teams have designed the product and are trialling it in the Philippines.
Interested in partnering?
Get in touch: [email protected]