South African Ambassador, Tribute Jabulile Mboweni on Mandela Day and what she will be doing to commemorate the 67 years he spent making the world a better place.
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“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it” These are the words of a man who has become a father not only to South Africa, but to the world. A man who represents an era where young people stood and fought for what they believed in despite the dangers they faced. These, are the words of a man who chose forgiveness at a time when resentment would have been the easier choice. A man who is, perhaps the most widely recognised symbol and beacon of forgiveness in our lifetime.
This Mandela Day, let us all embrace this day as part of Nelson Mandela’s legacy, which we all should own and uphold in all spheres of society. Let us, in our own little ways, aim to educate, inspire and champion action. Being the environmental activist that I am, I will be planting trees and educating school children about ways in which they can be part of a positive change in their schools and communities in Livingstone, Zambia. I have also made a personal vow to carry the spirit of Mandela Day beyond the day itself, because I feel that if we can get ourselves excited about doing something about something on a regular basis, we can surely see the changes that we hope to see come to life in this lifetime.
As we welcome the One Young World and its delegates to South Africa, we are welcoming you all to a nation where Nelson Mandela was born and raised, not only for us, but the whole wide world. A nation that recognises its challenges but is strengthened by the kind of humanity and resilience that Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, Madiba, also known as Tata (Father) to many South Africans, has demonstrated throughout his life. I personally hope that each delegate to the One Young World Summit will bring their positive energy and walk away even more inspired to do and be more.
Lastly, and again, quoting Tata: “Education is the most powerful weapon, which you can use to change the world”. With these words in mind, let us continue to advocate for education and to educate ourselves in order to make the changes that we want to see in this world.
I am looking forward to welcoming all the One Young World delegates to the beautiful nation that is South Africa.