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One Young World Returning Ambassador Thato Choma reports on the WomenUp speical session.
"it is Arrogant to think that one group of people can change the world". As the superwomen of women up took the stage to show off their abilities it primarily enhanced that Each of our strengths are not made for competition, but made to enhance each other. It showed us that our strengths are our superpowers but powers can go unused but they can also be misused. Which is another highlight of the session and life, is how important it is realise that we are connected. YOU cannot be everything to the world. But WE can be a lot more to the world.
Some might think that it would be great if one person could do everything. The thought of having Our super writer, Fatima Bhutto; super networker, Carole stone; Natalia Vidianova, super beauty and super activist, Jessica Jackely in one woman seems ideal. But the beauty of teamwork wouldn't be appreciated, our uniqueness wouldn't be of value- but this woman still wouldn't be self sufficient because change is a collective movement of people investing the best of themselves and no man or woman can truly live in isolation. It is important to realise your potential & talent because the world needs it. As someone once said "you do no favours by playing small" because we were made for a big world, big challenges and great success that will result in the success of others. we need to believe in ourselves. As Jessica Jackely said, you must put on your cape and realise your superpower because heroes know that the world needs them.
Today the Women Up network displayed the dynamic creation that is a woman. Carolyn Miles said that women cannot change the world alone, but they are a powerful change agent that must not be undermined. And while the focus of the session was the reveal of a real life superwoman through our counsellors, it demonstrated that while we believe in ourselves we need to believe in others too and genuinely realise that everybody is capable, male, female, African, Asian, western, eastern or otherwise.