Bloomberg Green Festival - United States

Bloomberg Green Festival - United States


The Festival includes a world-class lineup of speakers and  attendees will  explore immersive experiences throughout the Festival, game-changing greener living solutions from reimagined versions of household items to breakthrough technologies that will lower your carbon footprint while also experiencing live panels, workshops, and watch the finalists of the Bloomberg Green Docs Festival.

Enjoy music and dance performances, poetry readings, documentary screenings, art installations and culinary delights.

Don't miss the opportunity to experience and collaborate on practical climate solutions in policy, technology, media and more. Use our promo code OYWGREEN for a special 30% discount on your passes.

One Young World is proud to partner with the Bloomberg Green Festival, which is coming to Seattle Center from July 10th - 13th. The festival will gather the world’s foremost activists, entrepreneurs and innovators to demonstrate meaningful climate action.


Green Festival Highlights

Day 1: Wednesday, July 10 - Ones to Watch

Bloomberg Green’s Ones to Watch identifies tomorrow’s leaders in the climate and energy space. Celebrate the diverse, up-and-coming figures who are doing big things to move the world toward net zero.

Day 2: Thursday, July 11 - Mainstage Discussions

Hear the foremost changemakers in business, finance, technology, policy and activism discuss thought-provoking climate solutions across our concurrent stages.

Day 3: Friday, July 12 - Green Docs Film Festival

Experience the power of climate storytelling. Join the filmmakers, the jury and a community of fellow climate enthusiasts and storytellers for an evening of film, Q&As, networking and cocktails as we screen the top five short documentaries and award the grand prize.

Day 4: Saturday, July 13 - Excursions and Activities

Go beyond the festival campus to connect with nature and engage in real-world climate action. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking forests and coastlines of Puget Sound through guided hikes and tour local destinations bringing climate solutions to life.