Want to become better while building a better world? You're in luck as BetterTogether - the 5 week global program which helps you do just that - is now live!
About Goodwall
Founded in 2014, Goodwall is a global community that levels the playing field for young people so anyone can connect and discover professional opportunities from scholarships to jobs. With over 1.5M members in more than 150 countries, the mobile-first platform features over 5M jobs & opportunities, more than $1.5M in scholarships & awards and thousands of volunteer events.
About BetterTogether
BetterTogether is Goodwall’s direct response to the COVID-19 economic crisis, which has seen youth unemployment skyrocket. The global, online program offers a gateway to new opportunities both educational and professional through five weeks of inspiring themed challenges, top speakers and community content available exclusively on the app. In partnership with leading UN organisations, universities and non-profits you can win awards, scholarships and more, all designed to help you become a better you and make the world a bit better too. It runs from 1 August - 18 September and is set to reach over 10 million+ people, spanning 150+ countries.