Semana de Pueblos Indígenas 2024

To commemorate the International Day of Indigenous Peoples with a week dedicated to celebrating and learning about indigenous cultures. Through a series of events and workshops, the South America Coordinating Team seek to connect the public with One Young World ambassadors who are making a positive impact in their communities. This event offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with our Indigenous roots, understand their current issues and explore solutions.


Dates: Monday, 29 July - Sunday, 4 August, 2024

Organisers: KISTH, Tuxinem, Green Dreams NGO 

Evento Semana de Pueblos Indígenas 2024 (Presentation).jpg


Monday, 29 July 17:00 - 18:00 ECT: Seminario Introductorio: Exploración de Identidad y Territorio // Introductory Seminar: Exploration of Identity and Territory

Tuesday, 30 July 17:00 - 18:00 ECT: Colonización a través del tiempo: Problemas Contemporáneos // Colonisation through time. Contemporary Indigenous Priorities. 

Wednesday, 31 July 17:00 - 18:00 ECT: Contribuciones de las Mujeres Indígenas an STEAM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería, Artes y Matemáticas) // Women's Contributions in STEAM

Thursday, 1 August 17:00 - 18:00 ECT: Conocimient ancestral y prácticas sostenibles (Medicina y Agriculutra) // Ancestral Knowledge and Sustainable Practices. 

Friday, 2 August 17:00 - 18:00 ECT: Mundo joven: Un futuro para los Muchos Indígenas // Young World: A Future for Indigenous Worlds. 


Saturday, 3 August 17:00 - 18:00 ECT: Lenguas Indígenas, innovación y tecnología // Indigenous Languages, Innovation and Technology. 


Sunday, 4 August 10:00 - 11:00 ECT: Taller Creativo: Elaboración de Pósters Multilingües y Redacción de Cartas // Creative Workshop: Multilingual Poster Maker and Letter Writing.

Event Objectives:

  • Educate and Raise Awareness: Increase knowledge and understanding about indigenous cultures, their contemporary challenges and contributions to society.
  • Connect and Collaborate: Facilitate interaction between the public and One Young World ambassadors, encouraging the exchange of ideas and collaboration on community projects.
  • Empower and Motivate: Inspire participants to take action in their communities to support and preserve indigenous cultures.
  • Promote Sustainable Solutions: Identify and discuss practical and sustainable solutions to address issues faced by indigenous communities.
  • International Congress: In the long term make a face-to-face event at the Latin American level.
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Event Outcomes:

  • Increased Awareness and Knowledge: Participants will have a deeper understanding of indigenous cultures, their challenges and rich heritage.
  • Networking and Connections: New collaborative networks will be established between participants and One Young World ambassadors, strengthening mutual support and knowledge sharing.
  • Visibility and Future Collaborations: A website will be created where participating panellists and moderators can have recognition of their work and their social networks will be exposed to increase the opportunity for collaboration.
  • Youth Empowerment: Youth attendees will be empowered and motivated to become agents of change in their communities, supporting Indigenous causes and promoting social justice.
  • Sustainable Impact: Discussions and workshops will generate practical and sustainable solutions such as the creation of 3 interactive posters to be presented at the One Youg World 2024 Summit in Montreal.