The Challenge: How do we end hunger by 2030?
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Globally in 2016, 22.9% or 154.8 million children under 5 years of age suffered from child stunting, defined by a low height-for-age. Child stunting can happen in the first 1000 days after conception and is related to many factors, including socioeconomic status,1 dietary intake, infections, maternal nutritional status, infectious diseases, micronutrient deficiencies and the environment.
In 2016, 87 million stunted children lived in Asia, 59 million in Africa and 6 million in the Latin American and Caribbean regions.
Stunted children with deficiencies of iodine and iron may suffer irreversible brain damage, impeding them from reaching their complete developmental potential. They have a shorter adult height and a higher susceptibility to chronic diseases in adulthood, lower attained schooling and reduced adult income. Stunted and wasted children also have a higher mortality risk, which is increased when the two conditions coexist in the same population.
About Tailored
In 2019 Taylor Quinn founded Tailored, a lean social enterprise consultancy dedicated to building holistic food systems in countries most affected by malnutrition such as Liberia, China, the US, and Congo.
Leveraging Taylor's background in food anthropology and social entrepreneurship, Tailored builds coalitions of local entrepreneurs, farmers, industrial manufacturers, and multilateral development institutions to bring food products to people living in poverty.
Their collective mission is to achieve Zero Hunger by 2030 through nutritious, delicious, food that families can find and purchase in their local markets. The business has sold food for 24 months in Liberia.
Lead2030 will support Tailored to research and launch nutritious low-cost food models in Mozambique, Brazil, and the Republic of Congo.