Mariana Schuchovski
National Board Member
Mariana Schuchovski is a Forest Engineer and holds a PhD in Forest Sciences (Federal University of Paraná and North Carolina State University, USA). She was an executive and has more than 20 years managing teams and projects related to sustainability and environmental issues. Founder and CEO of Verde Floresta, a consulting and training company in Sustainability and Impact Business, she is also a guest professor at FGV, UFPR, UFSCar, FIA, ISAE, FAE and other higher education institutions. Due to her performance and influence in the area, she was invited to assume the Presidency of Rede Mulher Florestal, in addition to integrating the Advisory Board of the National Sustainability Committee of Amcham Brasil, the Ozires Silva Chair of Innovation and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and the jury of major sustainability awards. Her mission is to make sustainability uncomplicated.