Yana Panfilova
Founder of Eurasian Union of adolescents and youth Teenergizer
Yana Panfilova is 23 years old and from Kyiv, Ukraine. She holds a bachelor’s degree in social work from the Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism. Yana was born with HIV and at the age of 10, she discovered her HIV status. Since 2015, Yana is Chair of the Board of “Teenergizer”, a union of adolescents and youth, and also the founder of Eurasian Union of adolescents and youth Teenergizer . For seven years, she has worked in the field of support and protection of the rights of vulnerable adolescents Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Yana is also the author of the report “Key barriers to HIV testing for adolescents in EECA (Ukraine, Russia and Georgia)”. She became the winner of Ukraine's Top 30 Under 30 by Forbs Ukraine in 2020, also she included the KyivPost Ukraine under 30 list in 2016. Yana has been selected as a speaker on behalf of 38 million people living with HIV at the opening of the UN High-Level Meeting on AIDS 2021.