OFID Scholarship 2016

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About OFID

The OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) is the development finance institution established by the Member States of OPEC in 1976 as a collective channel of aid to the developing countries. OFID works in cooperation with developing country partners and the international donor community to stimulate economic growth and alleviate poverty in all disadvantaged regions of the world. It does this by providing financing to build essential infrastructure, strengthen social services delivery and promote productivity, competitiveness and trade. OFID’s work is people-centered, focusing on projects that meet basic needs - such as food, energy, clean water and sanitation, healthcare and education – with the aim of encouraging self-reliance and inspiring hope for the future.

OFID is a long standing supporter of One Young World and has enabled 100 young leaders to participate in One Young World Summit since 2011. This year OFID will sponsor twenty successful applicants to participate in the One Young World Summit 2016 which takes place in Ottawa, Canada from 28 September - 1 October. 

http://www.ofid.org/To learn more about OFID and its activities please visit: www.ofid.org

What does the scholarship include?

  • Access to the One Young World Summit 2016 in Ottawa, Canada.
  • Hotel accommodation on a shared basis between 28 September and 1 October
  • Catering which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Transport between the Summit accommodation and the Summit venue.
  • Summit hand-outs and support materials.
  • The cost of travel to and from Ottawa.

​​Who can apply?

In order to apply you must be:

  • Aged 18 – 30
  • A national of one of the listed eligible countries. Click here to view list.
Algeria Guatemala Nigeria Syrian Arab Republic
Botswana Iraq Palestinian Territory, Occupied Tanzania, United Republic of
Burkina Faso Jordan Paraguay Tunisia
Cambodia Lebanon Philippines Venezuela
Cameroon Libya Qatar Vietnam
Congo, The Democratic Republic of Malawi Rwanda Zambia
Egypt Mongolia Saudi Arabia  
Eritrea Morocco Sierra Leone  
Ghana Nicaragua Somalia  


Successful candidates will excel in the following areas:

  • Evidenced commitment to the sustainable development of their country. This commitment can come in many forms; ranging from a high level of involvement in community initiatives to social entrepreneurship or from leading responsible business practices to public service.
  • Leadership ability
  • Concern for local or global issues
  • Ability to generate and articulate impactful ideas
  • Teamwork

How to apply

Submit an online application in English before midnight 5 August. If you already have a One Young World candidate profile, you do not need to create a new application to apply for this scholarship, you will be considered for it automatically.

Application deadline: 5 August 2016

Apply Now
