One Young World at COP28

One Young World in numbers
at the COP28 Conference
We are proud to champion the voices of our young changemakers from around the world who are at the forefront of climate action.
20+ events in Blue Zone
11+ events in Green Zone
55+ OYW Ambassadors in attendance
COP28 International Youth Climate Delegates
OYW Ambassadors featured at COP
The COP28 Presidency UAE announced the selection of 100 delegates for the International Youth Climate Delegate Program to embed within the COP process, with a priority for delegates from countries on the list of Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Indigenous Peoples and other minority groups around the world.
From the 100 selected, 6 were One Young World Ambassadors.
One Young World at COP27
OYW Ambassadors attended the conference
events hosted across 4 days
COP27 event sessions and events with presence, within both the Blue Zone and beyond
2 . 1 M
content reach with over 472K engagements
Our Ambassadors at Youth4Climate
A group of expert Ambassadors from the climate world and creative economy gave interviews at Youth4Climate, sharing their insights on how to achieve social impact, the challenges of the climate crisis, and youth leadership. This was part of the Connect4Climate partnership with the World Bank.
Hear what our Ambassadors have to say below!

Abdelrahman Fahmy: full interview

Mashkur Isa: Full Interview

Oliver Rieche: Full Interview

OYW Tariq Al-Olaimy full interview

Xiomara Acevedo:full interview

Amplifying The Voices of Young Leaders at The EXTREME Hangout
The Extreme Hangout is a climate action platform giving young people a voice and drives environmental action. Over 20 One Young World Ambassadors took part throughout the four-day agenda, featuring 5 stand-out panel discussions. Keep reading to view these sessions.
Sessions we took part in included:
Attention! World Leaders: No More Cop Outs?
Innovative Climate Change Solutions: Achieving Net Zero
Tipping Points and Mobilising the Next Generation with the Prime Minister of Bahamas
From Politics to the Private Sector: Building Bridges in the Fight Against Climate Change
Indigenous Knowledge and the Climate Crisis: Reshaping Climate Narratives
Green Jobs in the Energy Transition (Hosted by the National Grid)
Representing Children and Youth in the Blue Zone at COP
Connect4Climate and the World Bank - Youth4Climate Interviews
Keep reading to learn more and watch videos showing how our Ambassadors participated in some of these sessions.
Paul Polman and One Young World Ambassador Alejandro Daly:
No More Cop Outs?
Reaching an agreed plan of action on climate change at the international level is a deeply demanding process; delivery on these commitments proves even more difficult. To reverse the course of the climate crisis, strong partnerships are essential. The global movement on climate change must draw on every sector.
In this session, hear from Business leader, campaigner, co-author of "Net Positive", Paul Polman, Chair of the global Advisory Board of One Young World, Alejandro Daly, One Young World Ambassador and an expert panel on how we ensure that COP27 is not a wasted opportunity, the critical importance of leadership, and how we can deepen cooperation on climate change action.

Innovative Climate Solutions:
Achieving Net Zero
Companies, governments, civil society organisations, and international bodies are increasingly committing to ambitious carbon reduction targets to tackle the climate crisis. COP26 saw the agreement of global net zero by the mid-21st century.
Net zero emissions will not just require unprecedented organisation and international consensus; it will also require a new generation of innovative climate solutions, ranging from technology to our energy systems.
Young people are the driving force behind net zero. In this session, learn more about how young leaders are bringing innovative solutions to the climate crisis and what steps need to be taken to reach net zero targets on time.
Prime Minister of Bahamas:
Tipping Points and Mobilising the Next Generation
A 2021 UN Study found that 83% of young people thought that there had been a failure to care for the planet, with 89% of youth respondents saying young people can make a difference. The evidence is clear; young people are at the centre of action on climate change, and must be given a seat at the table as we move forward towards decarbonising the global economy.
In this session, learn more about the role that young people have in shaping the climate debate and how policymakers and climate decision-makers can take steps to be inclusive of young people in shaping their response to climate change.

From Politics to the Private Sector:
Building Bridges in the Fight Against Climate Change
Cross-sector partnerships allow for greater scaling, information and expertise sharing, and amplification of impact. In the fight against climate change, no one organisation, company, or sector can hope to singlehandedly end this crisis. Meaningful climate strategies must look to draw on the talents of all sectors and industries.
In this session, learn more about how to build cross-sectoral cooperation and, crucially, how these types of partnerships can help tackle the climate crisis.
Indigenous Knowledge and the Climate Crisis:
Reshaping Climate Narratives
Comprising just 4 percent of the world's population, indigenous populations utilise 22 percent of the world’s land surface. In doing so, they maintain 80 percent of the planet’s biodiversity in 85 percent of the world’s protected areas.
Indigenous approaches to the climate crisis holistically address the underlying causes of environmental decline and can act to complement western science. Any serious attempts to tackle the climate crisis must be inclusive of indigenous thinking and practices.
In this session, learn more about the application of indigenous knowledge to climate change, how we can ensure indigenous voices are heard, and how they are shaping the climate policy agenda.

Highlights from COP27
Hear from One Young World Ambassador Jason Salgado, on Net Zero:
Jason is a climate leader, activist, and social entrepreneur from Belize. He is the Founder and CEO of ClimateShares, a platform that connects climate entrepreneurs with financial opportunities from carbon markets. He took to the stage at the National Grid’s critical panel discussion ‘Why is Net Zero so Important?’.

One Young World Ambassador, Saad Uakkas, co-leading the first-ever Children and Youth Pavilion

Our Ambassador, Saad Uakkas, a Moroccan youth engagement and empowerment expert, co-led the first-ever Children and Youth Pavilion at this year’s event. The Pavilion worked to amplify the voices of young people and drive action on global climate policies vital to securing our future. The programme of the event was co-created by a team of young people, supported by some of the world’s leading youth networks and NGOs. The major theme of the Pavilion was let’s grow, unite, and take concrete action in our communities.
News and Media
Over 30 One Young World Ambassadors were in attendance at COP27, engaging in a wide array of climate activism, policy-making, and debate. Throughout the two weeks, One Young World's content reached 2.1 Million people, with over 472,000 engagements. Additionally, many of our One Young World Ambassadors were featured in different media outlets.
See below what some of our OYW Ambassadors that have attended COP27 have to say:
"I want world leaders to know that our fight for Climate Change has become as important as providing for any other human right" - Oliver Rieche
"We need actions, not words" - Shorouq Aburazzouq
"My mission is to highlight the importance in decision-making in regards to loss and damage" - María Alejandra Téllez
"I want to be sure that the global south perspective is taken into account" - Nasha Cuello
Channel News Asia
Kehkashan Basu is a 23 years old, President of the Green Hope Foundation, One Young World Ambassador and a Canadian environmental and human rights activist. Kehkashan had a Broadcast interview by the Channel News Asia where she elaborated on the significance of young people in the UN-led talks, as well as the importance of the implementation of the Loss & Damage fund.

OYW Ambassadors Maria Alejandra Téllez, Anna Stanley-Radière and Hellen Nzinga were all interviewed by Glamour Magazine and featured in the Women are disproportionately impacted by climate change – why were we underrepresented at COP27? article. Read the full article here.
One Young World Ambassador Maria Alejandra Téllez Correa was interviewed by Mariella Frostrup in her programme segment On The Ground on Times Radio for COP27.

One Young World at COP26
One Young World believes that young people’s voices, especially those from communities which are often disproportionately impacted by the consequences of climate change deserve a seat at the table. This is why One Young World is committed to furthering youth representation at COP26 and will continue to work closely with the British government’s Youth Engagement team and other NGOs, world leaders and businesses to highlight young leaders and their work. One Young World worked hard to ensure young people across the world were involved in COP26 and to use this historic Summit as an opportunity to create meaningful change on climate.

Green Zone Session Announcement
COP26 came at a critical moment of the climate crisis - governmental inertia is no longer a credible option, and action is long overdue. One Young World recognised the importance of this summit and is committed to supporting the voices of young leaders who are on the frontier of the fight against climate change, to ensure the next generation are not shut out from the debate.
One Young World was pleased to have hosted four exciting events throughout the Green Zone, partnering with key leaders in the climate space.

One Young World x The Extreme Hangout
One Young World was also proud to partner with EXTREME International on a dynamic hub in Glasgow at COP26 where young people came together to network, share ideas, learn from others, be inspired and ultimately leave with a renewed passion, understanding and urgency to help drive the green agenda. The EXTREME Hangout powered by OVO was located on The Ferry, a unique and well known entertainment venue with a capacity of 600 people and conference capacity of 200, that is permanently moored at Anderston Quay on the Clyde. It is located just a short walk between the Scottish Exhibition Centre, the venue of COP26 and the city centre. The hub featured an 11-day showcase of live discussion, education and entertainment driven by:
- Panel discussions from opinion formers and leaders in the field, curated by One Young Worl
- Space to hang out, share ideas, recharge yourself and your devices Leading chefs delivering local food & beverages
- Entertainment with live music and comedy
One Young World Media Coverage at COP26

Ambassadors speak at COP26 forums hosted by UK Cabinet Office
In the lead up to COP26, several One Young World Ambassadors, including Nomindari Enkhtur, Enass Abo Hamed, and Alain Kilajian have been advocating for urgent, decisive climate action in several high-level forums. In an effort to ensure young leaders sit around key decision-making tables, One Young World has worked with its partners to identify such opportunities. Learn more below.
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