What can prepare young people for jobs that don’t exist yet?
Robots are coming for your jobs. New research produced by the accountancy firm PwC predicts that 38 per cent of jobs in the United States will be lost to automation inside 15 years.
The pattern is likely to be repeated across all the developed economies, with Germany handing 35 per cent of jobs to robots by 2030, the United Kingdom automating 30 per cent of positions, and Japan 21 per cent, PwC predicts.
It has been ten years since the OECD recognised that education was not keeping pace with technological advances. Entrepreneurship is seen as a fundamental driver of job creation, yet 60 per cent of One Young World Ambassadors were not taught entrepreneurial or financial management skills in school.
With education being a proven tool for sustainable economic growth, advances in technology are enabling better and more equal access to quality teaching in even the poorest parts of the world. But over 50 per cent of Ambassadors believe current education systems are not preparing young people for the jobs of today and must be redesigned.
As robots move into the workplace and many traditional industries decline, new job sectors are being developed and 65 per cent of children entering primary school in 2017 will ultimately end up working in occupations that don’t yet exist.
This session will demonstrate how young people are adapting education systems to mitigate the negative outcomes of these global trends.