Daniel Shirima is a 21 year young African youth that hails from the informal settlements of Majengo in Nairobi, Kenya. He is currently the Director at Jenga lives community-based organisation and Kijee tv and radio, which is a youth-led initiative that he co-founded to offer a safe space for the youths to advocate on issues that have been affecting them in the society, for a long time the voices of the youths were suppressed and couldn't be heard.
Being a graduate and professional in media and film production, Daniel began an initiative in his slums called " Promoting peace and growth through film and education" which he freely gives youth in the society film making skills as a tool to counter violent extremism.
Through his work of peacebuilding, he has managed to work together with Life and Peace Institute, National commission for integration and cohesion, Ocean Recovery Alliance, and Kenya Redcross where he won the "2020 Covid-19 youth champion"