In order for your organisation to receive the US $10,000 grant, you must successfully complete verification through AstraZeneca’s grant-making partner, the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), which requires documentation to confirm eligibility criteria to ensure that grants are used for charitable purposes under the UK Charities Act, and for due diligence. Failure to obtain CAF verification within a reasonable period of time (3-4 months) may lead to withdrawal from the Fellowship programme and ineligibility for the Grant. Participants selected for the YHP Impact Fellowship will be eligible to receive a US $10,000 grant to deliver a 6 - 12 month project which tackles NCDs amongst young people.
To receive this grant, applicants must lead or be employed by organisations that meet the following criteria:
- Be a registered non-profit organisation, having been registered and operational for at least 3 full years.
- Have had a total reported income in the last financial year of more than USD$10,000 and less than USD$1,000,000.
- Are ‘funding-ready’ and able to provide appropriate documentation (in English) to AstraZeneca’s grant-making partner at the Charities Aid Foundation to verify their organisation’s charitable status, governance and financial situation.