Swara Patel
Delegate Speaker for the Gender Equality Plenary Challenge
Despite being an otherwise progressive household in Mumbai, India, even Swara’s family could barely discuss the topic when she got her first period. Not only was the menstrual taboo real and pervasive in India, but “period poverty” was just as prevalent. In May 2019 Swara officially founded The Period Society – a nonprofit organization promoting menstrual equity, combatting the taboo surrounding menstrual, sexual and reproductive health, and eradicating period poverty throughout India and the world. The Period Society trains youth in rural India to lead educational sessions with OB/GYN vetted modules. They have educated 50,000+ individuals worldwide, distributed eco-friendly period products to 40,000+ menstruators in India, and replaced 700,000 plastic pads with sustainable alternatives. They have been recognized for their work by numerous organisations: The Diana Award 2021, Three Dot Dash Global Teen Leader 2021, 2019 Act2Impact initiative from Worldview and Harvard University's International Relations Council, the 2020 General Motors and Ashoka Global Stem for Change making Challenge, Brown University Erinn Phelan Award 2019, and the Jane Goodall Roots and Shoots Institute. The Period Society now has 40 youth-led chapters and will expand modules and training to address domestic violence and safe sex, and work on policy campaigns to combat systemic barriers to sex education and reproductive health in a holistic, gender-inclusive way. Swara is thrilled to attend the OYW 2022 summit as a Novartis Reimagining Healthcare Scholar !